Running Projects:

School Contact Program!
Main objective of this Program is to contact, empower and engage schools and students in Environmental and Educational Discussions and activities. About 70% of the earth population is Youth so the best and most appropriate way to educate and aware the Youths about the present problems and encourage them to involve in solving the problems.
District Largest Inter School Fest !
Inter School Fests!
With this fests we aim to encompass students teachers and common peoples in building the Greener generation of Confident Leaders, entrepreneurs, social workers and of Green Dreamers by engaging them in different educational, environmental and cultural activities. We bring students and Teachers from private and public institutions on an platform to learn from each other which rarely happens in India. in the very first Inter school fest”Veronica-2013″ Green Dream Earth Reached out to more than 1100 students, Educators,  and common Peoples. The event was inaugurated by District Education Officer, Buxar.

Workshop On Skill Developments

Workshops not only bring the like thinking people at a common place and provide them an opportunity to discuss, share ideas and knowledge but also provide them a platform t0 enhance communication skills, personality development and the most important to be Human.
Every Sunday a workshop is organised at “Shahid bhagat singh State technical Campus”. We are looking forward for your active Participation in our next Workshop if you are near to the venu